The Auto/Fiction  Essay Prize is a new venture  from the journal to encourage the best new scholarship in the field. While the journal publishes many articles which focus on the relationship between autobiography  and fiction, the editors are particularly keen to publish work which challenges the primacy of that relationship. This might include essays on autofiction or work with a wider theoretical importance.

The  Auto/Fiction Essay  Prize 

The winner’s prize will consist of:

* Publication of the winning paper in a volume of Auto/Fiction
* A year’s free print and  online subscription to Auto/Fiction

Other entries of sufficient quality may be invited to publish.

Entry requirements

The Essay Prize is open to anyone currently registered for an Undergraduate ,  Post graduate or Research  degree in any subject within lifewriting  studies. The entry must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Essays are to be no longer than 12,000 words, inclusive of footnotes and references and it should conform to MLA style (8th edition). The closing date will be 30th April 2022.


Submissions for the essay competition must arrive no later than 30th April 2022. Entries must be made via the journal’s online submission system. If you have any general enquiries about the competition, please contact the Editor.

The entry requirements and rules are as follows:

  • The submission must be accompanied by an abstract summarising the principal arguments and making clear the relevance of the article to the competition topic.
  • Permission must be obtained for the reproduction of illustrations and quotations from copyrighted material.
  • The editorial members of the Auto/Fiction  will read all entries, which will be assessed anonymously. All entries will be subject to the normal Auto/Fiction standards of refereeing and editorial review.
  • It is a condition of entry that all entrants will be prepared to grant an exclusive license to the Journal, which is operated on the Journal’s behalf by the Publisher if accepted for publication.
  • The decision of the judges will be final.
  • No alternative prizes will be available
  • There is no runner-up prize, but the editors may commission for publication any entries that are highly commended by the judges.
  • In the unlikely event that, in the judges’ opinion, the material submitted is not of a suitable standard, no prize or prizes will be awarded.