The Auto/Fiction editorial team welcomes proposals for special issues that contribute to the development of theories and concepts; analysis and scholarly debates in the broad field of Life Writing studies.

Proposals should bring together high-quality contributions to provide a range of perspectives, insights on a topical issue. Collections should recognize and respect the interdisciplinary and international readership of Auto/Fiction and offer original contributions to the field.

All relevant ideas are welcomed, though potential topics might include:

  • Fact, Fiction & autofiction
  • Metafiction
  • Surfiction
  • Faction
  • Auto-narration
  • Auto-fabulation
  • Autobiographical novel
  • Autobiography and autofiction
  • The self-fictionalization
  • The author and his/her double
  • Frontiers of the writing itself
  • Narrative and fiction
  • Narrative analysis
  • Narrative and autofiction
  • Theories of autofiction
  • Self-representational Writing
  • Online Writing of the Self
  • Fake Autobiographies
  • Auto-ethnographies
  • Autofiction in Cartoons
  • Autofiction in Dance and Film
  • Indigenous autofiction
  • Autofictions of ‘ordinary people’
  • Autobiography in Translation
  • Autofiction and the body
  • Autofiction and the law
  • Autofiction and human rights
  • Autofiction and sexuality
  • Visual autofiction
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Cultural analysis and autofiction

Potential guest editors are encouraged to refer to the journal’s aims and scope. Guest Editors will be expected to work with the journal to oversee the rigorous peer review of individual contributions via the submission manager, and to write a short introductory editorial before publication. Proposals should be made by returning the special issue information sheet.

If you would like to discuss ideas and the development of a proposal, Please fill in the Special Issue information sheet  AF INFO SHEET and email it to the Editor, Shashi Bhusan Nayak (